22 year old who stole Ksh 45 million
22 year old who stole Ksh 45 million

22 year old who stole Ksh 45 million from 481 unsuspecting Kenyans

22 year old who stole Ksh 45 million from 481 unsuspecting Kenyans

Nelson Kipkemoi’s 40 days are finally over after he was arrested yesterday afternoon for fraud.

Nelson, a 22 year old was arrested at hisĀ  hideout in Mulot, Narok County by the DCI banking fraud detectives.

The young man has been linked to a web of fraudsters that has been stealing money from online bank accounts.

By the time he was arrested he had transferred money from 481 bank accounts of a leading bank in Kenya.

The victims that were targeted operate on different online banking platforms.

Nelson will be arraigned at Milimani Law Courts to answer for his crimes accordingly.




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