Erick Omondi
Erick Omondi

Erick Omondi refunds Moses Kuria his money

Erick Omondi refunds Moses Kuria his money.

Comedian Eric Omondi has decided to refund Trade CS Moses Kuria the money that he spent on sponsoring his trip to the U.S a while back.

Eric Omondi shared a on his inta stories a screenshot of an mpesa message after he sent Ksh 126,000 to the trade CS.

This comes after Moses Kuria said he regrets sponsoring Eric Omondi’s tour to the united states.

Moses Kuria and Eric Omondi formed trending topics on social media for the better part of Thursday, June 7.

The CS opened up about how he had once financed a tour abroad for Erick, a decision he said he now ‘regrets.’

“Seven years ago, I took Eric Omondi to America using my money so he can see the world but from the way he is talking right now, it would have been better if I used that money to party.” he said.

Eric Omondi hit back at Moses Kuria by travelling to the UK for lunch and shopping to prove a point to Moses Kuria.

“Nashukuru sana Moses Kuria kwa kunipeleka America 7 years ago lakini usichange hio topic, conversation ni usitax youths. Ukitax youths watashinda wamekopa walipie deni. So msitax youths.” he said.


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